Exploring Different Types of Pool Cover Pumps: Manual vs. Automatic

Are you tired of dealing with leaves, debris, and dirty water in your pool? Pool cover pumps can be the solution you're looking for. In this article, we will delve into the various categories of pool cover pumps: manual and automatic options.

The Importance of Pool Cover Pumps

Pool cover pumps have a vital role in preserving the cleanliness and durability of your pool cover. Whether you have an above-ground or in-ground pool, a pool cover is essential to protect it from the elements and keep it clean during the off-season. However, without a proper drainage system, rainwater, leaves, and debris can accumulate on the cover, causing damage and making it difficult to remove.

That's where pool cover pumps come in. These pumps are specially engineered to eliminate extra water from the pool cover, preventing it from drooping or tearing due to the added weight.  Additionally, they help keep the pool cover clean and dry, saving you time and effort when it's time to open your pool for the season.

Manual Pool Cover Pumps: Pros and Cons

Manual pool cover pumps require you to manually operate the pump to remove water from your pool cover. These pumps are typically affordable and easy to use, making them a popular choice among pool owners.

One of the main advantages of manual pool cover pumps is that they give you more control over the pumping process. You have the flexibility to customize the speed and intensity of the pumping action to meet your specific requirements. Additionally, manual pumps are usually lightweight and portable, making them easy to store and transport.

However, there are some downsides to using manual pool cover pumps. Firstly, they require physical effort on your part. You need to manually position the pump and remove the water, which can be time-consuming and tiring. Secondly, manual pumps may not be as efficient as automatic pumps in detecting and removing water, especially during heavy rain or snowfall.

Automatic Pool Cover Pumps: Pros and Cons

Automatic pool cover pumps are designed to automatically detect and remove water from the pool cover. These pumps use sensors or floats to detect the water level and activate the pumping mechanism when necessary. They are more convenient and hassle-free compared to manual pumps.

One of the main advantages of automatic pool cover pumps is their ability to operate without manual intervention. Once installed and set up, they will continuously monitor the water level and remove any excess water automatically. This means you don't have to worry about checking and emptying the pump regularly.

Another advantage of automatic pool cover pumps is their efficiency in removing water. These pumps typically come equipped with robust motors and high-capacity drainage systems, enabling them to efficiently and rapidly handle substantial volumes of water. This is especially beneficial during heavy rain or snowfall when manual operations may not be feasible.

However, automatic pool cover pumps tend to be more expensive compared to their manual counterparts. The advanced features and technology involved in automatic pumps contribute to their higher price tag. Additionally, they may require professional installation and periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Manual and Automatic Pool Cover Pumps

When deciding between manual and automatic pool cover pumps, several factors should be considered.

Budget: Consider your financial constraints and determine how much you will allocate for a pool cover pump. Manual pumps are generally more affordable than automatic pumps, making them a suitable choice for those on a tight budget.

Convenience: Evaluate your preference for convenience. If you prefer a hands-free and hassle-free experience, an automatic pool cover pump is the way to go. However, if you don't mind putting in some effort, a manual pump may suffice.

Pool Size: Consider the size of your pool and the amount of water that accumulates on the cover. If you have a large pool or experience heavy rainfall in your area, an automatic pump with a higher capacity would be more suitable.

Ease of Use: Think about how comfortable you are with operating a pool cover pump. If you prefer simplicity and ease of use, a manual pump may be a better fit. On the other hand, if you appreciate technology and automation, an automatic pump would be a better choice.

Installation and Maintenance: Assess the installation and maintenance requirements of both types of pumps. Manual pumps are generally easier to install and maintain, while automatic pumps may require professional installation and periodic maintenance.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your needs, preferences, and budget.

Maintenance and Care for Pool Cover Pumps

Proper maintenance and care are essential to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your pool cover pump, regardless of whether it is manual or automatic.

Here are some general maintenance tips for pool cover pumps:

Regular Inspection: Inspect your pool cover pump regularly for any signs of damage or wear. Look for cracks, leaks, or loose connections that may affect its performance.

Cleaning: Clean the pump regularly to remove any debris or dirt that may clog the drainage system. Use a soft brush or cloth to gently clean the pump and ensure it is free from any obstructions.

Check for Blockages: Check the pump's intake and outlet ports for blockages. Leaves, twigs, or other debris can accumulate and hinder the pump's ability to drain water effectively. Clear any blockages to ensure smooth operation.

Winterization: If you live in an area with harsh winters, it is important to properly winterize your pool cover pump. Drain any remaining water from the pump and store it in a dry and protected area to prevent freezing and damage.

Professional Servicing: Consider having your pool cover pump professionally serviced at least once a year. A qualified technician can inspect and maintain your pump to ensure it is in optimal condition.

By following these maintenance tips, you can extend the lifespan of your pool cover pump and keep it in top shape for years to come.

Top Brands and Models of Manual Pool Cover Pumps

Regarding manual pool cover pumps, there are several top brands and models to choose from. Here are some popular options:

Sunora Manual Pool Cover Pumps:

Black&Decker Manual Pool Cover Pumps


Top Brands and Models of Automatic Pool Cover Pumps

If you're leaning towards an automatic pool cover pump, here are some top brands and models to consider:

Sunora Automatic Pool Cover Pumps:

Black & Decker Automatic Pool Cover Pumps:

Comparison Between Manual and Automatic Pool Cover Pumps

To help you make a more informed decision, let's compare manual and automatic pool cover pumps based on key factors:

Efficiency: Automatic pumps are generally more efficient in detecting and removing water, especially during heavy rain or snowfall. Manual pumps require manual intervention and may not be as effective in handling large volumes of water.

Convenience: Automatic pumps offer a hands-free and hassle-free experience, as they operate without manual intervention. Manual pumps require physical effort and regular monitoring.

Cost: Manual pumps are generally more affordable compared to automatic pumps. If budget is a primary concern, a manual pump may be a more suitable option.

Installation and Maintenance: Manual pumps are generally easier to install and maintain. 

Automatic pumps may require professional installation and periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Control: Manual pumps offer more control over the pumping process, allowing you to adjust the speed and intensity. Automatic pumps operate based on pre-set parameters and may not offer the same level of control.

Consider these factors in relation to your specific needs and preferences to determine whether a manual or automatic pool cover pump is the right choice for you.


In conclusion, choosing between manual and automatic pool cover pumps depends on your preference, budget, and the level of convenience you desire. Manual pumps offer affordability and control, but require manual intervention and effort. Automatic pumps provide convenience and efficiency, but come at a higher price.

Consider factors such as your pool size, ease of use, and installation requirements when making your decision. Additionally, ensure proper maintenance and care for your pool cover pump to maximize its lifespan and performance.

With the right pool cover pump, you can keep your pool cover clean and dry without breaking a sweat. So, take the plunge and choose the pool cover pump that best suits your needs. Your pool will thank you for it!