How to Tell if Your Pool Pump is Failing - Signs & Solutions

The pool “pump” just like the name suggests is responsible for the entire system. Similarly, to how our hurts “pump” blood to ensure our body mechanisms work efficiently, a pool pump ensures your pool system is working correctly

This mechanical device helps move the water from one point to another. Not only this but the pump also helps in water filtration. Thus this makes it an integral part of the Swimming Pool System.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with common issues and their signs. This will help you catch the problem earlier, saving you a lot of time and money.

Signs of a Failing Pool Pump

You can come across many different signs and mechanisms that are out of the norm for a pool pump functionality. It is important to recognize pool pump failure signs in time. A lot of different things can be pool pump failure causes. Let’s take a look at these failures.

Poor Water Circulation

This is one of the basic functions of a pool pump. To regulate water so that no debris or particles are stagnant in the pool.

A common sign of a failing pool pump is to check if there is any debris accumulating on the pool floor or any of the corners. This means that not all the water is being regulated enough to clean it properly.

Not only this but it can severely affect the water quality. You need a properly regulated system t ensure the chemicals are disbursed properly. This is to prevent any algae or bacteria buildup.

All of this along with affecting water quality also increases any maintenance cost you may have as well as causes harm to your pool equipment.

Poor filtration

The main function of a filtration system is to remove any debris from the water. This includes any particles, dirt, leaves, or any visible substance that should not be in a pool.

So technically a vacuum for your pool!

If your pool pump is not working at its optimal level you will quickly notice that your pool water remains dirty and you can see the debris left behind.

If your filter is malfunctioning, it can cause a low water flow. Blocked pipes, clogging, or a dirty filter can all cause the water flow getting filtered to be extremely less. This fails the entire purpose of removing debris and contaminant from the water, thus affecting the water quality.

Frequent clogged and dirty filters and pipes can severely reduce the lifespan of the filters. This means more replacements, making you spend more money!

Extended leaking

The pool pump comes with a mechanical seal. It is one of the most common places causing pool pump leaks.

This is a two-part, ceramic seal where one half goes into your seal plate, and the other onto the impeller.  This keeps the water from getting from the wet end (where the water touches) to the dry end (the motor).

If left unfixed the water can short-circuit the motor. Moreover, extended leaking can cause a build-up of calcium. This will only be fixed by replacing the seal which is costly.

Damage to the Pool

Not only this but it will also affect the filter’s functionality to clean any bacteria and algae from the water. This enhances the chances of waterborne diseases due to the presence of microorganisms.

Dirty water, with algae growth and debris, is harmful to your health.

Hence pool time becomes stressful instead of relaxing.


Just like any machinery whenever it malfunctions you usually hear a weird noise. The same things happen in a pool pump as well. You may hear a different sound than usual at times in case your pool pump is malfunctioning.

Grinding or Screeching

If you hear a louder-than-usual sound coming from your pool pump similar to your pump screaming, then this indicates that the pump bearings are bad.  You can replace these bearings, although very few places still offer this service.  Replaced bearings typically only last a year anyway. 


A humming noise is a sign of pool pump motor failure. The noise is a result of many different issues with the motor, the entire motor going bad, or a failed capacitor. Although these things can be fixed, whatever caused the issue in the first place can cause it again.

Solutions for a Failing Pool Pump

You now know what to look for to determine if your pool pump is failing. But what can you do to fix it? Here are some pool pump failure solutions;

1. Replacing the Pump

You need to determine the extent to damage to the pump. If certain replaceable parts are damaged like a capacitor or a damaged impellor then you can simply replace those. In severe cases, you may have to replace the entire pump.

2. Replacing the Motor

If the issue recognized is a sign of a failing motor it is ideal to replace it. However, these motors are hard to come by and there are only a few technicians left who can deal with them.

For this particular reason, you can substitute your outdated motos with Variable Speed Pool Pumps (VSP). The VSP runs at different speeds meaning you can run your pump at a lower speed for a longer time.

This is energy efficient, reduces noise pollution, and also lowers your electric bill.

3. Replacing the Blades

Replacing a damaged impeller is complex and requires professional help. The impeller is responsible for generating water flow and pressure to help with the filtration system.

In case of a malfunction as a result of a faulty impeller, it is difficult and costly to find the correct parts and assistance to replace them. You need to be careful from choosing the right impeller to ensuring it's properly installed.


Considering a pool pump is a machine it can fail. Several issues can come up affecting the quality of the water circulation to a poor filtration system. In extreme cases, it can also damage the pool itself.

It can be costly to repair and maintain a pool pump regularly. Hence why it is important to be on the lookout for all possible issues that your pool pump can have along with how you can resolve them.

You should invest in a good quality pool pump and ensure you are taking care of it. Searching for a new pool pump? Let us save you 20% or more on the cost!