How to Clean a Green Pool

If your pool has turned green, don't worry - it is possible to clean it and get it back to its original state. Here are some tips on how to clean a green pool:

- First, you will need to shock the pool. This can be done by adding a high concentration of chlorine to the water. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package carefully.

How to shock the pool:

- Add the recommended amount of chlorine to the pool.

- The chlorine will work to kill the algae and bacteria in the water.

- You may need to repeat this process several times before the water is clear.

- Next, you will need to vacuum the pool. This will help remove any dead algae and debris from the bottom of the pool.

How to vacuum the pool:

-Attach the vacuum head to the pole.

-Submerge the vacuum head in the water.

-Turn on the vacuum and move it around the bottom of the pool.

-Be sure to empty the vacuum bag when it gets full.

- Finally, you will need to brush the walls and floor of the pool. This will help remove any algae that is clinging to the sides of the pool.

How to brush the pool:

-Attach the brush to the pole.

-Start at one end of the pool and move the brush around in a circular motion.

-Be sure to brush all sides of the pool, including the stairs.

-You may need to repeat this process several times before the pool is completely clean.

With these tips, you should be able to get your green pool back to its original state.

Visit this site for more information on how to get rid of mustard algae. Do you have trouble cleaning the white water mold out of your pool? Click here to read more.


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