Troubleshooting Common Inground Pool Pump Problems

Common Reasons for a Pool Pump to Stop Working

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let's explore some common reasons why a pool pump may suddenly stop working. Understanding these potential issues can help you narrow down the problem and guide your troubleshooting efforts.

Power Supply Issues

One of the most common reasons for a pool pump failure is a power supply problem. This may result from a circuit breaker that has tripped, a blown fuse, or a loose connection. Checking the power supply should be the first step in your troubleshooting process.

Motor Problems

The motor is the heart of the pool pump, and any issues with it can cause the pump to stop working. Common motor problems include overheating, worn-out bearings, or a burnt-out motor. Inspecting the motor and its components is crucial to identify any motor-related issues.

Clogged Filters or Debris

As time passes, filters can accumulate dirt, leaves, and various debris, which can obstruct the flow of water and lead to the pump working harder or even coming to a complete halt. Regularly cleaning and maintaining the filters can prevent this issue.

Impeller Issues

The impeller is responsible for generating water flow in the pump. If it becomes clogged, damaged, or misaligned, it can impede water circulation and cause the pump to stop working. Inspecting and cleaning the impeller is essential for troubleshooting pump issues.

Plumbing System Blockages or Leaks

Blockages or leaks within the plumbing system have the potential to disrupt the water flow and impede the proper functioning of the pump. Inspecting the plumbing connections and checking for blockages or leaks is necessary to resolve this issue.

7 Troubleshooting Tips for Your Pool Pump

Pool Pump Fails to Start or Shuts Off Unexpectedly

Possible Culprits

Power Issues:
  • Check if the pump is plugged in properly. Yeah, I know, but sometimes it's the simplest things.
  • See if there's a tripped breaker in your electrical panel. Flip it off and back on, like you're rebooting a stubborn computer.
  • Add a diagram showing how to properly plug in the pump.

Motor Overload:

  • The pump might be working too hard. Make sure the impeller isn’t clogged with debris – clean that sucker out.
  • Add a clear visual of a clogged impeller and how to clean it.

Air Leaks:

  • If your pump is sucking in more air than a vacuum on steroids, it'll struggle. Inspect all the connections and seals for leaks. Use a soapy water mix to spot bubbles – like finding a leak in a bike tire.

Blocked or Closed Valves:

  • Ensure all the valves around the pump are open and letting water flow freely. If something's closed, your pump is basically fighting against a closed door.

Faulty Capacitor:

  • Yeah, your pump has a brain, and it's called a capacitor. If it's on the fritz, your pump won't start smoothly. Swap it out if you're feeling brave – just make sure the power's off!

Troubleshooting Steps:

Give It a Break:

  • Turn off the pump and let it cool down if it's been working overtime. Like us, pumps need breaks too.

Clean That Impeller:

  • Pop open the pump and check the impeller. If it's clogged with gunk, clean it out. It's like giving your pump a spa day.

Check for Leaks:

  • Grab that soapy water mix and go on a leak hunt. Bubbles mean trouble, and you'll find where the air is sneaking in.

Valve Vigilance:

  • Ensure all the valves are open and the water has a clear path to flow. It's like directing traffic for your pump.

Capacitor Swap (Advanced):

  • If you're comfortable with some DIY action and have safety in mind, swap out that capacitor. Make sure the power's off, and don't electrocute yourself.

Pool Pump Runs with Insufficient Water Flow

Possible Culprits:

Clogged Strainer Basket:

  • The strainer basket is like the pump's first line of defense. If it's jam-packed with leaves and debris, water can't flow smoothly. Clean that bad boy out.

Blocked Skimmer or Main Drain:

  • Check the skimmer and main drain for any blockages. If they're sucking in more than they can handle, your pump's going to struggle.

Clogged Filter:

  • Filters need love too. If they're clogged, water can't pass through easily. Clean or backwash your filter according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Closed Valves:

  • Valves control the flow of water. Make sure they're open where they need to be. Closed valves are like putting a kink in a hose – water ain't going to flow.

Air Leaks:

  • Just like last time, air leaks are trouble. Check all the connections, seals, and O-rings. If they're letting air in, it's messing with your water flow.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Clean the Strainer Basket:

  • Turn off the pump, open the strainer basket, and scoop out any debris. It's like cleaning out the junk drawer in your kitchen.

Check Skimmer and Main Drain:

  • Dive into the pool and inspect the skimmer and main drain. Clear out any debris that's playing hide and seek.

Inspect and Clean the Filter:

Valve Patrol:

  • Confirm all valves are open where they should be. It's like making sure all the doors and windows are open in your house for a refreshing breeze.

Hunt for Air Leaks Again:

  • Grab that soapy water mix (yes, again) and check for bubbles around connections, seals, and O-rings. If you see bubbles, you've found your culprit.

Pool Pump Exhibits Signs of Leakage

Possible Culprits

Faulty Seals:

  • The pump has seals that keep water where it belongs. If they're worn or cracked, water's gonna find a way out. Check those seals for any signs of damage.

Loose Connections:

  • Sometimes it's as simple as things being too loose. Check all the connections – if they're not snug, water will sneak out.

Cracked Pump Housing:

  • The pump housing is like the pump's shell. If it's cracked, water will escape like it's going on vacation. Inspect that housing for any visible cracks.

Damaged O-rings:

  • O-rings are like the unsung heroes of sealing. If they're damaged, water will exploit the weakness. Check and replace any worn-out O-rings.

Leaky Valves:

  • Valves can sometimes develop leaks. Check all the valves around the pump and tighten up any loose ends.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Inspect Seals:

  • Turn off the pump and inspect the seals. Look for cracks, wear, or any signs of aging. Replace them if they look like they've seen better days.

Tighten Connections:

  • Go around and tighten all the connections. It's like making sure all the lids on your Tupperware containers are secure – no leaks allowed.

Check Pump Housing:

  • Examine the pump housing for any cracks. If you find any, you might need to replace the housing. Think of it like fixing a leaky boat – patch it up or get a new one.

O-ring TLC:

  • Locate the O-rings and check their condition. If they're worn or damaged, swap them out for fresh ones. It's like changing the worn-out gasket in your kitchen blender.

Valve Vigilance Redux:

  • Ensure all valves are in good shape and not leaking. If they are, tighten them up or replace them if needed. No drips allowed.

Pump Draws in Air, Affecting Performance

Possible Culprits:

Leaky Connections:

  • The pump is like a picky eater – it only wants water, not air. Check all the connections, and if you spot any leaks, that's the issue.

Cracked or Loose Pipes:

  • Pipes that are either cracked or not snugly fit can let air sneak in. Inspect all the pipes connected to the pump.

Low Water Level:

  • If your pool water level is too low, the pump might start inhaling air. Make sure the water level is where it should be.

Damaged Pump Lid O-ring:

  • The pump lid has an O-ring that seals the deal. If it's damaged or not sitting right, air can waltz in. Check and replace if needed.

Air Leaks in the Pump Lid:

  • The pump lid itself might have some sneaky leaks. Inspect it for any cracks or damaged seals.

Troubleshooting Steps

Hunt for Leaks:

  • Turn off the pump and inspect all the connections, joints, and valves for leaks. If you spot any, tighten things up or replace faulty parts.

Pipe Patrol:

  • Check all the pipes connected to the pump for cracks or loose fittings. It's like checking for holes in a water hose – air's the enemy.

Water Level Check:

  • Make sure your pool water level is hitting the sweet spot. If it's too low, the pump's going to start snacking on air.

Inspect Pump Lid O-ring:

  • Open up the pump lid and check that O-ring. If it's seen better days, swap it out for a fresh one. Think of it like changing the seal on a jam jar.

Lid Leaks? Fix 'Em:

  • Inspect the pump lid for any cracks or damaged seals. If it's not airtight, it's time for a lid upgrade.

Pump Generates Excessive Noise During Operation

Possible Culprits:

Cavitation Blues:

  • Cavitation is like the pump's way of saying, "I'm working too hard!" Check for any blockages or restrictions in the suction line – it's like making sure your straw isn't clogged.

Loose or Worn Bearings:

  • The pump has bearings that keep things spinning smoothly. If they're loose or worn out, you'll hear the pump groaning. Give those bearings some attention.

Impeller Issues:

  • The impeller, the pump's MVP, might be facing some problems. Check for any debris jammed in there – it's like checking the lawnmower for twigs before starting it up.

Unbalanced Fan Blades:

  • If your pump has a fan (some do), unbalanced blades can create a racket. Make sure they're clean and spinning evenly – like checking your ceiling fan for wobbles.

Vibrating Pump:

  • The pump might be doing a jitterbug due to loose bolts or a shaky foundation. Tighten up any loose parts and ensure it's on a stable surface.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Unclog the Suction Line:

  • Turn off the pump and check the suction line for any blockages. It's like unclogging a drain – let that water flow freely.

Bearing TLC:

  • If you hear grumbling from the bearings, they might need some love. Lubricate them if possible, or consider replacing if they're past their prime.

Impeller Inspection:

  • Pop open the pump and inspect the impeller. If it's playing host to debris, clean it out. Think of it as a dental checkup for your pump.

Balance the Fan Blades:

  • If your pump has a fan, make sure the blades are clean and spinning evenly. Balanced blades are happy blades, just like a well-behaved gyroscope.

Stabilize the Pump:

  • Check if the pump is wiggling around. Tighten any loose bolts and ensure it's on a sturdy, vibration-resistant surface. A stable pump is a quiet pump.

Inadequate Water in Pump Basket

Possible Culprits:

Low Water Level:

  • If your pool's water level is lower than a limbo stick, the pump won't get the water it needs. Check and make sure the water level is where it should be.
  • Add a visual representation of a pool with a low water level.

Clogged Skimmer Basket:

  • The skimmer basket catches debris before it hits the pump. If it's chock-full, water won't flow smoothly. Clean it out – it's like taking out the trash in your house.

Blocked Skimmer or Main Drain:

  • If the skimmer or main drain is playing hide-and-seek with water, the pump won't be happy. Make sure they're not blocked by debris.

Air Leaks:

  • Those sneaky air leaks strike again. Check for leaks in the suction side of the system – it's like patching up a tire with a slow leak.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Top Up the Pool:

  • Check the water level in your pool. If it's lower than it should be, fill 'er up. The pump needs water like you need your morning coffee.

Clean the Skimmer Basket:

  • Turn off the pump and pop open the skimmer basket. If it's a debris party in there, clean it out. Think of it like emptying the lint trap in your dryer.

Check the Skimmer and Main Drain:

  • Dive into the pool (metaphorically, of course) and make sure the skimmer and main drain aren't hogging all the water to themselves. Clear out any blockages.

Hunt for Air Leaks:

  • Grab that soapy water mix again and check for bubbles around the suction side connections. If you see bubbles, you've found the culprit.

Humming Pool Pump Unresponsive to Start

Possible Culprits:

Stuck Impeller:

  • The impeller, the MVP of the pump, might be stuck. It's like the pump's engine starter. Check for any debris or gunk jamming up the works.

Capacitor Conundrum: 

  • The capacitor is like the pump's battery. If it's on the fritz, the pump won't start smoothly. Check for any signs of damage or leakage.

Blocked Suction Line:

  • If the suction line is choked up, the pump won't be able to pull water in. It's like trying to drink through a straw that's squashed at one end. Check for blockages.

Motor Malfunction:

  • The motor might be throwing a tantrum. Check for any strange noises or burning smells – not good signs. It might need professional attention.

Tripped Breaker:

  • Sometimes it's as simple as a tripped breaker. Check your electrical panel and reset the breaker if needed. It's like giving your pump a power nap.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Free the Impeller:

  • Turn off the pump and open it up. Check the impeller for any debris or obstructions. It's like clearing a traffic jam – get things moving freely.

Inspect the Capacitor:

  • Locate the capacitor and give it a once-over. If it looks damaged or is leaking, it's time for a replacement. Think of it like swapping out a worn-out battery.

Clear the Suction Line:

  • Check the suction line for any blockages. If it's clogged, clear it out. It's like giving your pump a clean, unobstructed path to water.

Listen to the Motor:

  • Turn on the pump and listen for any weird noises from the motor. If it sounds like a car that won't start, it might need a professional mechanic – or in this case, a pool pump expert.

Check for Tripped Breaker:

  • Head to your electrical panel and look for a tripped breaker. If you find one, reset it. It's like waking your pump up from a short nap.

Preventive Maintenance Tips for Inground Pool Pumps

To prevent common inground pool pump problems from occurring in the first place, it's important to implement a regular maintenance routine. Here are some preventive maintenance tips to keep your inground pool pump running smoothly:

  • Clean the skimmer and pump basket regularly to prevent debris from clogging the system.
  • Backwash and clean the pool filter as the manufacturer recommends to ensure proper filtration and water flow.
  • Maintain the proper water chemistry balance to prevent the buildup of minerals and other contaminants that can affect pump performance.
  • Inspect the pump lid, O-ring, and fittings regularly for any signs of damage or wear. Replace any damaged or worn parts to prevent leaks and ensure a proper seal.
  • Schedule regular professional inspections and maintenance to identify and address any potential issues before they become major problems.

Choosing a New Pool Pump for Your Swimming Pool

When choosing a pool pump, several factors come into play. Let's take a closer look at each one:

Flow Rate

The flow rate refers to the amount of water the pump can move within a given time. It is measured in gallons per minute (GPM) or gallons per hour (GPH). To determine the appropriate flow rate for your pool, you need to consider factors such as pool size, plumbing layout, and desired turnover rate. A higher flow rate is generally recommended for larger pools or those with complex plumbing systems.


The horsepower (HP) of a pool pump indicates its power output. It determines how effectively the pump can circulate water and maintain proper filtration. The horsepower requirement for your pool depends on its size, plumbing system, and the desired turnover rate. It is essential to choose a pump with the right horsepower to avoid over or under-circulation.

Energy Efficiency

As energy costs continue to rise, opting for an energy-efficient pool pump can lead to significant savings in the long run. Look for pumps that are ENERGY STAR certified, as they meet strict energy efficiency standards. Variable-speed pumps are known for their superior energy efficiency and can reduce energy consumption by up to 90% compared to single-speed pumps.

Noise Levels

Pool pumps can generate noise, especially if they are located near living areas or bedrooms. Consider pumps with noise-reduction features, such as specially designed housing or vibration-dampening materials. Variable-speed pumps tend to operate at lower speeds, resulting in quieter operation compared to single-speed pumps.

Maintenance Requirements

Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and performance of your pool pump. Look for pumps with easy-access strainer baskets and removable lids, as they make cleaning and maintenance hassle-free. Additionally, pumps with self-priming capabilities eliminate the need for manual priming, saving you time and effort

Check out pool calculator here 

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Troubleshooting common inground pool pump problems doesn't have to be overwhelming. By understanding the underlying causes of these issues and following the appropriate troubleshooting steps, you can address and resolve many common problems on your own. However, if you are unsure or uncomfortable with performing the necessary repairs, it's always best to consult a professional.

Remember to implement a regular maintenance routine to prevent common problems from occurring in the first place. By taking care of your inground pool pump, you can ensure a refreshing and enjoyable swimming experience for you and your family all summer long. So don't let pool pump problems dampen your fun – dive in and troubleshoot those inground pool pump problems with confidence!